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The Role of the B.C.F.G.A.

A fruitful century

by Charles Bernhardt (President 1973-1977)

From the beginning of our history, the Association has been the core of the industry and served as “the growers’ parliament”. It performed this vital role in striving to achieve a united effort to cope with the problems growers faced. As the various attempts at organization of co-operative action were tried and subsequently failed, the B.C.F.G.A. was always there to yet again harness a united effort for the common good. In fact and in practice, it is quite proper to view the Association as the parent body in the industry.

As time marched on, change and progress-as they must-also kept pace. Much more sophisticated methods and procedures are now employed throughout the industry, particularly in the packing and marketing of crops, which require different organization and management capabilities than we have used in the past. The role of the B.C.F.G.A. is not as prominent in that process of organizing and managing as it once was, yet we must continue to regard it as our parent body and make use of it as such.

The Association renders much service to the grower which cannot properly be supplied or performed by other entities in the industry. I believe it would be a serious mistake if attempts were made to supplant the legitimate role of the B.C.F.G.A. The Association has provided very real leadership that has been essential in the overall cause of farming in Canada. This responsibility must continue to be met by an organization that represents producers who can co-operate with the producers of other commodities. To perform this role adequately requires a united voice. That has been the primary challenge of the Association from its inception.

History shows that the B.C.F.G.A. has never hesitated in being at the forefront in working for the betterment of agriculture. May it long continue to do so.