Why Become a BCFGA Member
We have represented BC fruit growers’ interests since 1889! BCFGA provides value to members through services and products to growers.
The BCFGA is a primary agriculture association with a democratic history spanning 135 years.
The membership fee is tiered, according to acres of tree fruits grown by the individual member.
In addition to regular voting membership, Associate and Business Associate members are welcome to join and show support of the tree fruit sector and the BCFGA vision and mandate.

Membership Benefits
As a valued member, you’ll enjoy a wide range of benefits including access to leading industry research and updates, member exclusive (and often complimentary) services and projects, such as:
- Free magazine subscriptions (value $75 per year)
- Good Fruit Grower
- Orchard and Vine
- The Grower
- Country Life in BC
- Free tracking of Pesticide Applicators’ Certificate Points and support with certificate renewals (value $100 at renewal)
- Free spray schedules (value $5 per schedule)
- Free BCFGA Friday File newsletter (priceless information!)
- Voting privilege at the Annual General Meeting
Plus access to exclusive services for BCFGA members:
- Help with SAWP forms (discounted rate for members)
- Food Safety for Pesticide Handlers Certification (no charge)
- BCFGA Incentive programs such as; the EFP Incentive Program ($250), COR Certification Grant ($250 to 500)
- Crop Tracker Pilot Project (basic annual fees, value $600)

Industry Benefits
By bringing grower voices together through the BCFGA, the tree fruit industry benefits from our:
- work to secure and improve the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program
- regular updating and hosting of the Tree Fruit Production Guide (TFPG) and hosting of annual TFPG meetings
- lobbying for improvements to governments’ business risk management programs
- investment of time and dollars in important industry initiatives, including horticulture extension, research, and marketing projects
- work to establish sensible municipal regulations (example: Temporary Foreign Worker Housing Bylaws)
- efforts to enhance Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plan Programs
Join us to make a meaningful impact on the tree fruit industry.

Did you know?
- BCFGA actively promotes the Tree Fruit Industry to both the government and the public.
- BCFGA engages in meetings with municipalities to address industry-related matters.
- BCFGA actively participates in important organizations like the Sterile Insect Release Board and the Okanagan Water Stewardship Committee.
- BCFGA is dedicated to finding innovative solutions to pest problems, focusing on pests like Spotted Wing Drosophila and Apple Clearwing Moth.
- BCFGA advocates for creating market value by promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices and reducing pesticide usage.
- BCFGA serves as a crucial link to other provincial and federal organizations, including the BC Agricultural Council, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, and the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada..
Become a Member
Types of Memberships
There are three types of BCFGA memberships; Grower Members, Associate Members, and Business Associate Members. Choose the right one for you!
1. Grower Member
a. Any tree fruit grower in BC with the capacity to produce more than $15,000 worth of tree fruit in one year
b. Membership fees are tiered
Acres planted to tree fruit | Fee | GST | Total Fee |
Up to 5 | $230 | $11.50 | $241.50 |
6 to 10 | $250 | $12.50 | $262.50 |
11 to 20 | $375 | $18.75 | $393.75 |
21 to 50 | $650 | $32.50 | $682.50 |
51 to 100 | $1000 | $50.00 | $1050.00 |
101 to 250 | $1500 | $75.00 | $1575.00 |
Over 250 | $3000 | $150.00 | $3150.00 |
2. Associate Member
a. Any tree fruit grower in BC producing less than $15,000 worth of tree fruit in a year
b. Membership fee is $267.75
3. Business Associate Member
a. Any business that does not produce tree fruit but is involved in the tree fruit sector
b. Membership fee is $399
How to Join
1. If you pack with BCTF, ask them to sign you up and remit your fee. Other packing houses that want to set up a similar arrangement are welcome to contact BCFGA.
2. Complete an online application and pay your membership fee online.
3. Print and complete a paper application and mail with cheque for payment to:
Members Services Manager
BC Fruit Growers’ Association
880 Vaughan Ave
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 7E4